Ridiculously Cringeworthy Product Packaging

Go grab some bubble wrap and start popping – you’ll need something to relieve the existential stress generated by these poorly wrapped products!

Packaging waste is so pervasive in our current society, and it has been for years. Do you remember the last time you ordered a product online, and it arrived in a box far too large for it? I certainly can. The sad fact of the matter is that we’ve become accustomed to seeing wasteful product packaging everywhere: in grocery stores or the mall, and even in our own homes.

Environmentalists recommend using less solid packaging or at least shifting to biodegradable plastics or organic packaging. However, a lot of manufacturers completely fail to follow this advice. Part of the problem is that, depending on the fragility and size of the products, packaging needs to take many varied and complex forms. We’ll be the first to admit that engineering the right packaging size and form can be a difficult task. Let’s be honest though, unnecessary extra packaging just looks plain stupid.

Some examples of bad packaging practices are so illogical that they cannot be ignored. Here are a few real-life examples. 

The Open Space Concept

I don’t know about you, but something just doesn’t look right here. The individual who received this giant box at first thought that they had received a box with nothing in it! As it turns out, all that the box contained was a tiny pack of batteries, hidden under one of the bottom flaps. That’s just what happens when you package a tiny product in a box 20 times its size! surprised  to find a tiny pack of batteries. This tiny strip of batteries was claustrophobic. It came in a box 20 times its size. Next time you see a big box on your front porch, don’t expect to find something very big in it, sometimes it only contains a small strip of batteries.

Orange you Just a Little Overpackaged?

It seems someone doesn’t like the packaging of the original manufacturer. In theory, peels are just Mother Nature’s natural plastic wrap, but it seems that someone just doesn’t like the packaging of the original manufacturer. How lazy do you have to be to not even be able to unpeel an orange?

Tiny Candy, Indeed


Think of all the nerds that could have fit in this big plastic Easter egg. Are you as disappointed as we are? What is the purpose of this tin if only to deceive us!

A Glass That Is More Than Half Empty


 It’s not bad packaging every time you look at a big can; sometimes it’s called fraud, a glassful of gummy bears is just topping, oh dear you just got more than half glass empty.

Too Many Tomatoes, Too Much Packaging!


We had some fun pointing out these mostly environmentally faulty packaging alternatives but in the end, we know how hard innovation can be. Some food manuals recommend that food items should be packed individually to prevent them from sticking together or acquiring mold, but we’re not so sure it is necessary to pack individual tomatoes like this…

A Peel’s a Package!


We thought Imgur user thenamenonehas did a great job of explaining this packaging mishap by saying: “If only bananas had robust, natural, biodegradable packaging of their own. Some sort of peelable skin, perhaps.” Yes, if only…

Lonely Jar

For sure, we never want glass items to break. But we can’t help but feel a little bad for this sad, lonely jar in package made for 9 jars. We hope it made friends with the packing chips.

Nesting Doll Candies

There’s nothing like having to open tons of packaging just to get to what you really want. Packing a small candy in three layers and making it like a large bar.it seems they want you to be surprised as you would for your birthday gift in childhood.

Delicate Care

A delicate charging cable – oh, such a fragile thing – was found packed in many unnecessary layers, with a big box full of air. 

Questioning Life’s Purpose

Sometimes you need to understand the purpose; do you really think you need to pack packing material? Roll of bubble wrap with extra packing.

Oh, The Irony!


If they named a potato “Handy potato” with less waste in plastic wrap, and you don’t believe them it’s okay, it is about extra waste and packaging.

Extra Layers

Okay, properly packing meet is very important. But packing each piece in plastic and then again packs them together? At some point, someone has to realize this is excessive.

No Leaf Left Behind

A single lemon leaf can need this much of packing? How much demand do there have to be for a single lemon leaf?  That way the manufacturer decided to package them individually, you can put a mint plant in this bag big.


Why Not Get Some from The Farmer’s Market?

Everyone loves watermelons, especially in the summer heat. But baying watermelons in chunks is a little surprising. Farmer market offers uncut watermelon. At least you know how fresh it is. That way you know exactly how fresh the product is and you help a local businessman.

How Unnecessary Is That?

Adding another layer of plastic packing to coke cans isn’t that unnecessary thing to do? Is this to keep coke fresher?

Something Is Definitely Extra:

A little packet of plastic who knows how much plastic is inside that little one? But everyone can see outside plastic packaging for each packet. The amount of plastic wrapping in each individual packet is way too much.

Like A Tiny Island In The Sea! 

This tiny USB device has been packaged with a boatload of plastic. Isn’t this wastage of packing material on this small thing? We can save more on things like this small USB. An only tiny portion of this packaging was enough for packing this USB.

Different, Yet Same:

Here is the example of little plastic packaging, of course, they know plastic packing is waste but not everything is alright yet. This time they pack this tiny USB in a big cardboard box just to serve the delivery purpose.


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