4 Easy Tips for Finding the Perfect Dental Insurance Plan

Visits to the dentist are a necessary evil that can sometimes break the bank if you don’t have the adequate insurance. The National Association of Dental Plans [1] conducted research that determined the price range of dental insurance to be between $14 and $30 a month. However, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about choosing the best dental insurance plan for yourself and members of your family. To save yourself money and time, you can follow these 4 tips and find a suitable insurance plan.

Research Policies That Provide Group Coverage

If you are employed, check with your employer, union or trade association to see if they can offer you a plan. Here are some of the benefits of individual policies distributed to staff members as a group:

  • Prearranged benefits
  • Freedom to choose any dentist you like
  • Lower rates
  • Full coverage
  • Coverage for members of your immediate family

Consider Individual Policies

Policies that offer group coverage can be limiting in some aspects, so be sure to do your research on individual policies before purchasing an insurance policy. According to a 2017 report from Bankrate, [2] the annual price of a single policy is around $350. Though the rate is higher than that of a group policy, this kind option lets you customize the plan to fit your needs. The main advantage of individual policies it that they are not linked to your company or status of employment.

Check the List of Available Dentists

Be sure to look into whether your dentist is covered by your chosen insurance plan, to avoid having to pay your desired dentist for their services.

Group plans will always give you a list of in-network dentists you can choose from. When getting an individual plan, you can ask for a list of practitioners covered by your policy. Always check to see if your dentist is in-network, so you don’t have to pay for their services. Some dentists may accept your insurance even if they are not in-network, but you will still have to pay the fee.

Always Read the Fine Print of Your Policy

Preventive measures are fully covered by dental insurance policies, for other services you may have to pay a designated amount or a part of the price. The essential thing is to know what kind of costs you could be facing in case of a dental procedure, before purchasing a policy.

As stated by the NADP [3], the majority of dental insurance covers these aspects of treatment:

•    Preventative measures, for example regular checkups and cleaning

•    Restorative care such as fillings and crowns

•    Endodontic procedures like root canals

•    Minor oral surgical procedures (i.e. tooth removal, draining infections etc.)

•    Orthodontics like braces and retainers

•    Periodontics  that include scaling, root planning and acute infection management

•    Prosthodontics like bridges and dentures

The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a dental insurance policy is to do extensive research beforehand. Knowing all the facts can help save you thousands of dollars and provide the proper care for all the needs of you and your family members.

[1] https://www.nadp.org/Dental_Benefits_Basics/Dental_BB_8.aspx
[2] https://www.bankrate.com/finance/insurance/dental-insurance-1.aspx
[3] https://www.nadp.org/Dental_Benefits_Basics/Dental_BB_2.aspx

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