Over 100 million Canadians are affected by diabetes in some form, [1] and high blood sugar is at the core of a diabetes diagnosis. When you have diabetes, your body fails to make enough insulin or use insulin correctly. As a result, blood glucose accumulates and causes further, and potentially fatal, issues. If you, or someone you love, is living with diabetes, it is crucial to understand and learn to manage blood sugar levels through a healthy diet. Here are 12 foods for people with diabetes that don’t spike blood sugar levels.
1. Avocados
According to the American Diabetes Association, [2] Avocados have monounsaturated fatty acids that are important for a low blood glucose diet. Add them to sandwiches, make guacamole, or eat them on their own for a healthy snack!
2. Whole Grains
Whole grains make an excellent addition to every diet, especially for diabetics. Whole grains contain high amounts of nutrients, phytochemicals, and fiber, all of which lower and regulate blood sugar levels, according to the Journal of Cereal Science. [3]
3. Garlic
Research from Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition, and Agriculture, [4] states that garlic can help manage blood sugar and decrease fasting glucose levels. Easily mix garlic it up into dips, sauces, and marinades.
4. Fish
SFGate [5] explains that protein is vital to every diet. For those with diabetes, protein has the added benefit that it does not greatly affect blood sugar levels, and it also makes you feel full. As a diabetic, you should aim to eat lean meats and fish, including salmon, cod, haddock, pollock, and flounder.
5. Leafy Greens
Everyday Health [6] reports that eating at least one serving of leafy greens decreases the chances of contracting type 2 diabetes. Leafy greens like chard, kale, and spinach are high in fiber, nutrients, and help maintain blood sugar levels.
6. Blueberries and Blackberries
Add these delicious berries to at least a few meals per week. They have fiber, antioxidants, don’t raise glucose levels in your blood as much as other fruits do.
7. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a super food rich in fiber, omega-3, and calcium, and they maintain levels of sugar in your blood. Add them to oatmeal, into salads, or bake them in bagels and muffins.
8. Coffee
A cup of coffee per day reduces the risk of getting diabetes according to a study from the journal Diabetologia, [8], but only if you drink it black and skip the sugar.
9. Nuts
Nuts, most notably almonds, are the best snack for diabetics and they play nice with glucose levels. Taking two ounces of almonds each day lowers fasting sugar and insulin levels according to the journal of Metabolism and a recently published study. [7]
10. Eggs
Eggs are as versatile as any food, packed with protein, and filling, besides being low-impact when itcomes to glucose levels in your blood. Best of all, you can make dozens of meals with eggs.
11. Legumes
In regards to glucose levels, beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils are all safe and nutritious foods filled with fiber, protein, and complex carbs. However, steer clear of canned varieties that have sauces and marinades that will spike your glucose levels.
12. Oats
Today’s Dietician reports [9] that oats are a good source of B-glucans. They lower the glucose and insulin response in your body. Moreover, they help with insulin sensitivity. You can add them to your diet by eating them with yogurt or milk or making bread and muffins