Here’s Why Seniors Should Apply for an Online Social Work Degree

While most aspiring college students are young adults, age shouldn’t be seen as an inhibitor to education. As online courses become more available there are less and less reasons not to pursue higher education, especially when it’s possible to do so from the comfort of  home! Here’s why an online degree in social work is a great option for seniors. 

1.  Earn Extra Money

Seniors may be particularly interested in additional income as the affordability of living always seems to be rising. One way to boost income is to get a degree and work in a new field such as social work. 

According to the latest report from the U.S. Bureau of Statistics and Labor [1], social works earn roughly 23.79$/hour, or 49,500$ per year. In addition to this, social work provides the opportunity for emotional rewards, as well as being a growing field with long-term job security. 

2.  Keep The Mind Sharp 

It’s a good idea to stay physically active in the golden years, but it’s also important to stay mentally stimulated. Challenging courses keep the brain active, this reducing the risk of ilnesses such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. 

Studying an online social degree force one to read, retain information and follow coursework, all of which keep the brain active. According to some doctors, these functions will help slow down cognitive aging. [2]

3. Online Social Work Degrees Are Affordable

For many people, going to school at a younger age was simply too expensive. Luckily, there are many financial aid programs available for education, some specifically designed for those over 60 years of age. Moreover, some colleges will waive tuition fees for senior citizens. It’s also a good idea to see if pursuing education opens the door for tax breaks [3]. In some cases, not-for-profits can also lend a hand. [4]

4. Can Connect with the Community 

Once the degree is completed, social work allows people to connect with those in their community who sometimes need it most. This can provide a newfound sense of purpose. For those looking for new opportunities to meet new faces, this is an ideal degree. One can work in schools, hospitals, with youth, or even older adults depending on the job. 

5.  Inspire Friends and Family

When someone finishes a degree, it’s more than just a personal accomplishment; it’s something to be enjoyed with everyone who helped them get there. It can even be inspiring to loved ones. Sometimes all others need is a sign from others to get motivated themselves. 


Applying and studying online degrees in social work provides many benefits. As there are many options, it’s good practice to explore and do research before settling on this particular degree. 



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